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01. Personal Reality Check

Use this worksheet to complete a personal reality check and determine the areas you might wish to improve or need to improve in order to start your business.
02. Personal Strategic Plan
Develop your personal strategic plan with this worksheet. Reflect on the eight categories and then write out at least one strategic objective and a couple of goals for each.

03. Personal Inspiration
Use this worksheet to create your personal inspiration lists for strengths, successes, areas of excellence and dreams.

04. Personal Financial Management Strategy
Scan your personal financial situation and list your financial goals in this worksheet.

05. Owner’s Drawings
List your personal income and expenses in this worksheet. Your business must meet your personal financial needs.

06. What’s In It For You
Use this worksheet to list your reasons for starting or growing a business.

07. Business Readiness
Are you ready for business? This worksheet will help you identify your strengths and areas for improvement.

08. Building a Business Planning Team
Use this worksheet to identify the people and skills you need to help you build your business.

09. Business Planning & Implementation Goals
Decide when you will complete your business plan and launch your business and list your goals in this worksheet.

10. Action Planning
Use the Action Planning Worksheet to write out your action plan to start your business.

11. Ideas for Proving Your Business Case
Use the worksheet to map out how you will prove your business case.

12. Appendices
Use this worksheet to help identify which appendices you will need for your business plan.

13. Prioritizing Products and Services
Use this worksheet to help you list and prioritize your products and services, and identify the units of sale.

14. Assumptions
Write a list of assumptions about your business. This worksheet will help you discover your assumptions.

15. Strategic Market Research Objectives
Identify the objectives that will enable you to research your market, and list them in this worksheet.

16. List of Market Research Questions
In this worksheet, write the questions your market research will answer, and what proof you will need.

17. Key Industry Statements
In this worksheet, organize your list of key points in preparation for writing your Industry Element.

18. Statements Describing Customers
Use this worksheet to write statements that describe your customers.

19. Draft Description of Customers
Write a draft description of your customers in this worksheet.

20. Assessing What You Have Learned
It can be humbling and rewarding to take a few moments to review how much you have learned about your business. List what you’ve learned in this worksheet.

21. Competitive Analysis
Use this worksheet to list your competitors, their strengths and weaknesses.

22. Target Market Priority
Use this worksheet to determine which market segments you will prioritize.

23. Clarifying Statements About Customers
As you learn more, you become clearer about your customers wants and needs. Use this worksheet to write your statements.

24. Proving Your Business Case
Prove your case for the nine key areas in this worksheet.

25. Feasibility and Return on Investment
Use this worksheet to determine what return you will earn on your investment.

26. Return on Investment Comparison
This worksheet will help you compare the return on your investment with other investments.

27. Products and Services
This worksheet is for a list of your products and services to go into your business plan.

28. Competitive Advantage
Use this worksheet to list the features, benefits and competitive advantage for each product and service.

29. Strategic Plan
Build a strategic plan for success in this worksheet.

30. Goal and Timelines
In this worksheet, list your short-terms goals and timelines for year one.

31. Describing Your Market Area
In this workhsheet, describe where you will market your goods and services.

32. Profile of Customers
This worksheet is for a description of your customers to go into your business plan.

33. Pricing
Use this worksheet to establish prices for your products and services. You will likely employ all three methods: pricing to market, pricing to cost and break-even pricing.

34. Marketing Action Plan
Plan a strategy for marketing your products and services in this worksheet.

35. Equipment List
Make a list of all significant items of equipment in this worksheet. Any equipment with a useful life of more than one year should be included.

36. Materials and Supplies
Use this worksheet to list suppliers and the materials you will need.

37. Threats and Mitigation
In this worksheet, identify significant threats and how you will mitigate them.

38. Professional Services
Identify who you will employ or retain for accounting and legal work in this worksheet.

39. Labor Projections
In this worksheet, project your labor requirements for the first three years in business.

40. Operational Action Plan
Develop an action plan for your business operations in this worksheet.

41. Sales Forecast
Build your three-year sales forecast in this worksheet.

42. Sales Forecast Summary
Create a three-year sales summary in this worksheet.

43. Explaining Your Projections
In this worksheet, explain anything about your projections that might be confusing to the reader.

44. Market Share
In this worksheet, determine the size of your potential market and what share your business will capture.

45. Cost of Goods Sold
Use this worksheet to calculate how much your goods will cost to purchase or produce.

46. Projected Labor Summary
Use this worksheet to summarize your labor requirements for the first three years in business.

47. Cash Flow Forecast
In this worksheet, forecast your cash inflows and outflows monthly for year one, and yearly after that.

48. Operating Expenses
Research and estimate your operating expenses in this worksheet.

49. Projected Income Statement
Use this worksheet to develop pro forma income statements for the first three years in business.

50. Projected Income Summary
Summarize your pro forma income statements for the first three years in this worksheet.

51. Break Even Analysis
Use this worksheet to determine the point during the year when your business will break-even and begin to earn a profit.

52. Pro Forma Balance Sheet
In this worksheet, create a pro forma balance sheet for opening day and the end of years one, two and three.

53. Start-up Expenses
In this worksheet, estimate how much money you will need to start your business.

54. Use and Source of Funds
In this worksheet, identify the amount of money needed and where the funding will come from.

55. Appendices Goals
Use this worksheet to create a short-list of the Appendices you will attach to your business plan.

56. Resume for Entrepreneurs
Use this worksheet to create your resume to include with your business plan.

57. List of Certificates and Documents
Use this worksheet to list any significant certificates you plan to include in the Appendices of your business plan.

58. List of References
In this worksheet, build a list of references to include in the Appendices of your business plan.

59. Insurance Checklist
Use the checklist in this worksheet to make sure you don’t miss important areas to insure.

60. Price List
Develop a list of prices for your products and services in this worksheet.

61. Executive Summary
Use this worksheet to write an executive summary for your business plan. This is the first thing the reader will read.

62. Business Plan Evaluation
Use the checklist in this worksheet, or provide it to others to evaluate your business plan.

63. Business Plan Revisions Checklist
This worksheet is a checklist of things to look for when reviewing your business plan.

64. Advertising and Promotion Plan Checklist
This worksheet includes a checklist of different advertising and promotion ideas.

65. Business Plan Elements Checklist
This worksheet includes a complete list of the sections and elements of the business plan.

66. 99-Step RoadMap Checklist