An action plan is a systematic process for clarifying and targeting your longer term goals and breaking them down into smaller short term goals. You might choose to try using this tool to tackle any one of the goals you set in Step 5. If you don’t need this step now, bypass it and come back to it when you see a need for it.
Download the Action Planning Worksheet (You will also find it under Resources above). We recommend saving it as [your_business_name_action_plan_year_month_day]
If you set up the folders recommneded in Step 4, we suggest saving your Action Plan in the “Admin” folder.
Using the worksheet, develop your action plan for success. An action plan includes the following eight steps:
- Write your goal clearly and in detail.
- List all the benefits of achieving your goal.
- Identify the people, information, actions and anything else you need to make your goal happen.
- Describe the biggest hurdle you need to get over to achieve your goal and how you will overcome it.
- List those who will support you and what type of support you hope to receive from each one.
- Set an overall timeline to reach your goal. Break it down into smaller monthly, weekly and daily goals. What will you do tomorrow to bring you closer to your goal?
- Describe when and how will you reward yourself.
- Write one or more affirmations that support you in accomplishing your goal. Repeat your affirmations to yourself regularly. Affirmations are positive, easy to remember, and written in the present tense.
Affirmation: I hold a copy of my completed business plan in my hands. I am confident about starting my business because of the great learning experience it has been to develop my own business plan.